55+ Awesome Living Room Wall Decoration Ideas

Your living room could be said as the functioable room at home. It could be the place to welcome the guests or place to gather with families. Moreover, for a minimalist home, a living room also becomes the place for study, watch TV, and others. Because it is a household room, thinking about the decoration of the living room is quite important to do.

With a good decor concept, there is a chance for you to have a comfortable space to gather with your family. Then, I am sure that a comfortable room will make you are always happy when staying at home.

The wall of the living room becomes the most important object for the decoration since it is the largest space in the room. Then, what to do in decorating the wall of the living room?
Painting is the first matter to be considered in thinking about the wall decor. It is the basis of the wall decor and it will influence the whole look of your project. Substantively, you are free to apply the colors in covering the wall based on the decorating theme that you run. For example, when you want to have a simple but elegant living room, applying white as the basic wall color is a good option.

To add the effect of painting, think about the texture. Yes, you could see a sample of textured wall decor ideas. I think it is very interesting to be tried.

After the painting, you should think about the accessories. Adding some accessories is the soul of the wall decoration concept. Yes, you are also free here to add the kinds of accessories that you want. Adding a simple wall-mounted shelf is a good idea to be applied. On the shelf, you could put some books, vases with flowers, or your photos.
We have several samples of the wall decor for the living room. See the samples and get the decoration inspiration!

image source: pinterest.com

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